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Pelsall Labour Club

Founder Members of Pelsall Labour Club 1919

F Green, H Lloyd, G Mason, J H Whitehouse, F Brice, H Mason, J Ball, W H Davies, P F Harvey, S Hancox, J Davis, G Watson, H Breeze, J Dudson, I Green, J H Hayward, R Burgess, R Morgan, G H Breeze, F Lloyd

The photograph above once had pride of place above one of the doors in the lounge.

The poster above which was proudly displayed in Pelsall Labour Club in 2014 reads:

Pelsall Labour Club became a member of the Union on 13th October 1920

The following booklet is about the history of Pelsall Labour Club written by W.H. Cox, Grandfather of Mr Andrew Weller, Chairman of Pelsall History Centre

Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

The Original Pelsall Labour Club dating back to 1918

Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

Pelsall Labour Club, prior to its demolition

Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

The rear of Pelsall Labour Club, prior to its demolition

Photograph copyright  A Bates - Pelsall Times

The main club room

Photograph copyright  A Bates - Pelsall Times

The snooker room upstairs

Due to the decline in trade, Pelsall Labour Club closed its doors to the public for the last time on Saturday 3rd January 2015 after trading for 95 years

Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

The demolition of Pelsall Labour Club 2015

Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

The demolition of Pelsall Labour Club

Photograph copyright  A Bates - Pelsall Times

The demolition of Pelsall Labour Club

Photographs above and below copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

Building work begins on new properties and a new club house to replace Pelsall Labour Club

For more information about the history of public houses in Pelsall why not purchase a copy of Last Orders Please!  To find out about  the multitude of paranormal activity experienced at Pelsall Labour Club over the years why not purchase a copy of Ghosts around Pelsall 2.  

Both publications are on sale at Kind Thoughts on Pelsall High Street and R W Print on Norton Road Pelsall.

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